Sunday, March 11, 2012

Long time no see & school holiday starts

Do not know what to write and lazy too....
Pathetic isn't it?

Let's see, what had gone by, 

exam, chew ming's birthday celebration, etc and etc....

It's holiday but I have nowhere to go...
Straight away, the feeling is DOOOMMMMMM...
Very "pek chek" ...
And can't go SG too....i want shopping....argghhh

Everything around starts to get bored and meaningless lately...

I think I will let pictures and explanations speak the rest of my speech...XD


1# Teaching mummy and daddy to camwhore^^

 2# Afterwards, tried thick type of eyeliner for the first time!

3# Covered another side of the eye, 
I never success in drawing balanced eyeliner yet^^

4#Chew Ming's birthday celebration

5#This is the result of getting too much of myself...
Maybe no one could ever understand whatever am I blabbling now....
Btw, its my new twitter profile picture...XD

It's SO HARD to draw it balance..
Which I have yet to master it well...

6#Last but not least, my hair have two layers so i took a picture of both types.
Which one look nicer?

***THE END***