Do not know what to write and lazy too....
Pathetic isn't it?
Let's see, what had gone by,
exam, chew ming's birthday celebration, etc and etc....
It's holiday but I have nowhere to go...
Straight away, the feeling is DOOOMMMMMM...
Very "pek chek" ...
And can't go SG too....i want shopping....argghhh
Everything around starts to get bored and meaningless lately...
I think I will let pictures and explanations speak the rest of my speech...XD
1# Teaching mummy and daddy to camwhore^^
2# Afterwards, tried thick type of eyeliner for the first time!
3# Covered another side of the eye,
I never success in drawing balanced eyeliner yet^^
4#Chew Ming's birthday celebration
5#This is the result of getting too much of myself...
Maybe no one could ever understand whatever am I blabbling now....
Btw, its my new twitter profile picture...XD
It's SO HARD to draw it balance..
Which I have yet to master it well...
6#Last but not least, my hair have two layers so i took a picture of both types.
Which one look nicer?
***THE END***
your eyeliner on the bottom part, draw closer to the eyes..too far jor..